
Incorporating Handstand into your practice can be daunting. But like all balancing poses, a little confidence and a lot of core work go a long way. Try this rendition of the inversion to build both strength and muscle memory, which will prep your body and mind for a full-blown handstand.

  • Position your mat in front of a wall, and come down to your hands and knees. Place your heels against the wall with your toes touching the floor. Plant your hands shoulder-width apart, and root them into the mat by spreading your fingers wide.
  • Push back into a strong Downward Facing Dog with your heels up on the wall, and your toes still connected with the floor. Take a breath.
  • On the exhale, begin to walk up the wall, one foot at a time, so that your body forms a 90-degree angle or “L” shape. You won’t be able to see what you look like, so focus on getting your hips over your shoulders.
  • Hold this inversion at least five breaths, and try again two or three times!

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Source: Build Up Your Core and Confidence – the "L" Handstand : PopSugar