For many of us, fitness isn’t just an activity — it’s a lifestyle. So what happens when that fit lifestyle meets a brewing cold or a flu? If you find yourself fighting through sniffles and a sore throat with a bike booked at spin class, then take a minute to pause. You need rest! Cancel your cardio classes, and don’t force yourself to go on a run — if you’re still feeling restless, try these low-impact “workouts” to satisfy your exercise desire while you recover. Gentle Stretching In lieu of your HIIT class, opt for these relaxing, restorative poses to…

For many of us, fitness isn’t just an activity — it’s a lifestyle. So what happens when that fit lifestyle meets a brewing cold or a flu? If you find yourself fighting through sniffles and a sore throat with a bike booked at spin class, then take a minute to pause. You need rest! Cancel your cardio classes, and don’t force yourself to go on a run — if you’re still feeling restless, try these low-impact “workouts” to satisfy your exercise desire while you recover.

Gentle Stretching

In lieu of your HIIT class, opt for these relaxing, restorative poses to release tension, stretch out, build a little strength, and finally — recover.

In-Bed Yoga Sequence

If you’re really bedridden, you’ll probably start to feel muscular stiffness. Not only is it uncomfortable, but it can also be a setback if you’ve been on a training plan. Try these stretches you can do in your bed to keep things loose with minimal effort.

Congestion-Fighting Sequence

Sniffles, sinus pressure, and a sore nose — oh, the joys of a cold. Try these easy yoga poses for some congestion relief that doesn’t involve over-the-counter syrups and pills.

Related: What to Eat When You’re Sick

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Source: Skip the Cardio: 3 Yoga Sequences For Sick Days : PopSugar