Lethargic, bloated, foggy-headed, uncomfortable… they’re all common symptoms that can keep people from their health and fitness goals for years. Sometimes, undetected food sensitivities are to blame. Here’s how to root out and fix the problem.


In the Precision Nutrition Coaching program, a lot of clients show up for the first day with a case of the “blahs”. It’s how they’ve been feeling for years and they mostly blame it on their failure to lose weight.

But what if it were something else?

As we start to take a deep look at their eating habits, we sometimes discover that a particular food sensitivity (or several food sensitivities) are making them tired, or crampy, or foggy-headed, or allergic, or headachy — or any other of a host of symptoms food sensitivities cause.


Of course, food sensitivities can have serious consequences for your health. They’re also not doing you any favors in the gym, yoga studio, or on the trail.

Once the root of the problem is eliminated, though, most clients quickly find an energy and strength they didn’t know they had in them. And they start checking off lifestyle goals fast.

If you suspect you have a food intolerance/sensitivity of your own, or if you work with clients and suspect they’re experiencing one, today’s guide to doing an elimination diet — the gold standard for rooting them out – will help.

Download the infographic for your printer or tablet. Keep it in your kitchen or bring it to your next doctor or nutritionist visit. (If you’re a health and fitness pro, share it with your clients).


If you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t feel like you should go it alone. It’s generally a good idea to get help with challenging diet-related changes. Talk to your doctor or nutritionist to get some guidance. (Click here to print a free copy to bring to your next appointment).

We can help too.

In Precision Nutrition Coaching, we give men and women the support they’ve been missing to help them achieve health goals that have eluded them for years.

The world of nutrition and fitness can be a confusing place — but it doesn’t have to be. Once you get personalized attention from a knowledgeable coach, your path to healthy, energetic, and capable comes into sharp focus.

We’ll soon be opening the Precision Nutrition Coaching program for new clients. If you’d like a taste of what we offer, check out our free starter kit for men and women.)