Are some gray Spring skies keeping you from getting your daily dose of D? With just three ounces of canned tuna, you’ll rake in about 50 percent of your daily required vitamin D; it’s one of the best natural sources of the nutrient. The canned fish is so easy to keep stocked in your pantry, and it’s loaded with lean protein, healthy omega-3s, selenium (great for cellular health and metabolism!), B complex — and, of course, tons of vitamin D. Think of it as the superfood that doesn’t cost a fortune. Related: Foods High in Vitamin D Here are some…

Are some gray Spring skies keeping you from getting your daily dose of D? With just three ounces of canned tuna, you’ll rake in about 50 percent of your daily required vitamin D; it’s one of the best natural sources of the nutrient. The canned fish is so easy to keep stocked in your pantry, and it’s loaded with lean protein, healthy omega-3s, selenium (great for cellular health and metabolism!), B complex — and, of course, tons of vitamin D. Think of it as the superfood that doesn’t cost a fortune.

Related: Foods High in Vitamin D

Here are some simple, anything-but-boring ideas on how to incorporate this nutrient-rich pantry staple into your menu.

  1. Throw some tuna into your pasta to mix up your weekly dinner menu.
  2. Swap hummus for mayo in your tuna salad to cut your calories by over 60 percent!
  3. No access to fresh, sashimi-grade raw fish? No worries. You can still make sushi at home with canned tuna.
  4. Make a crunchy wrap with carrots and fennel and eat more veggies with your vitamn D.
  5. Put it on an English muffin with avocado, tomato, and sprouts (sub tuna for chicken in this recipe).
  6. Try a breadless tuna melt for a low-carb alternative to a classic comfort food.
  7. Bring a protein-packed pita to lunch and stay full until dinner.
  8. Mix up your regular routine with this avocado tuna salad with cucumber noodles.
  9. Stuff it into an avocado. Because avocado.
  10. Want more avocado? Try this loaded-veggie avocado tuna salad. Mmmm.
  11. Grill up some whole wheat bread for a hearty take on the classic tuna sandwich.
  12. Turn up your avocado toast with tuna, and make a tostada.

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Source: 12 Ways to Enjoy the Vitamin-D-Packed Superfood in a Can You Should Be Eating : PopSugar