
As anyone who eats healthy can tell you, meal prep is an essential part of staying on track. Also pretty high up there is making sure you’re drinking enough water. And since plain water can get a little boring, we’re all about making fruit water. Thanks to this photo, we’ll never go about making it the same way again.

Like so many other things that are good for you, making fruit water takes time. There’s a lot of slicing involved, plus you need to make sure the fruit you’re using isn’t bruised or overripe and, of course, that your flavor combinations are on point. To make this process easier, prep your fruit water in one go. You can use larger mason jars to store your water in the fridge for easy grab-and-go, or keep plastic containers full of sliced fruit that you can easily drop into your water bottle. Not only will you be saving time, but staying hydrated also improves skin health and boosts metabolism.

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Source: The Genius Fruit Water Hack That Will Make Life Easier : PopSugar