Manny3712558 3 years This article entices people into having sex by saying you can lose weight as well as having a healthy body and mind. This article supports having sex. This article is great because it supports the fact that sex is good for the body with 11 ideas. You can use stress to relieve stress from work or school. You can use sex to also increase your self esteem. AmberJ11 4 years the health benefits are an added bonus! 🙂 LittleMzFit 6 years Not sure about those previous two comments!?? But, thanks Sugar for reminding us all the healthful…

Not sure about those previous two comments!?? But, thanks Sugar for reminding us all the healthful benefits. Especially those of us trying to remain celibate until we find the right person. Thank goodness regular moderate exercise does much of the same thing…along with Kegels, that is. 😳
Source: 7 Healthy Reasons to Have Sex – Tonight! : PopSugar
This article entices people into having sex by saying you can lose weight as well as having a healthy body and mind. This article supports having sex. This article is great because it supports the fact that sex is good for the body with 11 ideas. You can use stress to relieve stress from work or school. You can use sex to also increase your self esteem.