With all the fresh Summer produce starting to come into season, we’re particularly excited about summery, fresh, healthy recipes with cucumber.
And while cucumbers might not be the first veggie that comes to mind when you think “superfood,” there’s actually a lot to love about cukes. They’re tasty and basically nonexistent in terms of calories, carbs, and sugar; they’ve got zero fat, but are still a decent source of potassium, magneisum, and fiber, which, combined, can help reduce blood pressure.
The cool cucumber is also high in the mineral silica, an essential component for ligaments and tendons, as well as supple skin. High water content makes cucumbers naturally hydrating and cooling. And the best part? You can use them for SO many recipes: coolers, salads, soups, rolls — you name it. Here are some of our favorite healthy cucumber recipes.
Related: Healthy Cauliflower Recipes