
Last week we caught wind of the latest juicer to hit the market: the Juicero. And what better way to review the product than to test it ourselves? We have the particularly good fortune of being just down the street from Juicero’s new headquarters, so they stopped by with these fancy new machines and cold packs of produce for a quick taste test.

Related: The Keurig of Juicing Could Change Your Life

Upon seeing the Juicero for the first time, our first thought was “Does NASA know about this?” . . . “Does this mean astronauts can have cold-pressed juice?” Just looking at the machine, you feel like you’re in the presence of some really intense innovation and technology. It’s beautifully designed, and we’ve been told it “fits on a nightstand” if you’re really serious about your morning juicing.

We tried each and every flavor on offer, and all of them tasted superfresh (and cold!). Most of us on the team here are not fans of beets, but the beet juices were surprisingly tasty and not too earthy (ideal for newbie juicers). Our favorite was the spicy greens — pineapple and jalapeño made for an easy win. Here’s everything you need to know about the Juicer from the future.

  1. Is it wasteful? Surprisingly, no. Juicero collects used packets for recycling, and the pressed remnants of produce can be eaten, cooked into soups, or composted. We ate some of the veggies ourselves — supertasty.
  2. Are the juices organic? Yep!
  3. Does it add water? Nope! The machine uses 8,000 pounds of force to squeeze a packet of produce: the result is pure, pulp-free fruits and veggies in a glass.
  4. What are the flavors? There are five flavors: Greens (spinach, celery, romaine, kale, lemon, cucumber); Sweet Greens (pictured); Spicy Greens (pineapple, romaine, celery, spinach, parsley, jalapeño, lemon); Sweet Roots (carrot, apple, beet, spinach, lemon, celery, ginger); Carrot Beet (carrot, beet, orange, lemon, apple).
  5. Can you customize your order? At present, you cannot customize what’s in your juice blend, but it’s an idea for the future that they’re working on (they just launched last week).
  6. How long do the produce packets last? Six days. It’s fresh, cold produce, and to keep that freshness, you must consume the juice within six days of receipt, and keep the packs refrigerated. Drink up!
  7. How much is a Juicero? The machine is $700 and the packets are $4 to $10 each.

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Source: We Tried "The Keurig of Juicing" – Here's How It Went : PopSugar