
There she goes again. Jessica Alba got in another kickass morning SoulCycle class. And seeing her get so very hot and sweaty totally makes us feel better, because that’s what we look like after an intense cardio workout!

Don’t worry — sweating a lot is totally normal and so is not sweating a lot. Some people just sweat more than others. Why? It has to do with your gender — women may have more sweat glands than men, but men’s glands are more active. How much you sweat also has to do with how hot it is, how intensely you’re exercising, what you’re wearing (certain fabrics trap in heat), your body fat percentage, or how anxious you feel. Sorry to say, but sweating buckets doesn’t mean you’re burning more calories. Likewise, don’t worry if you haven’t sweat a single bead of perspiration. If you go for a 30-minute bike ride and you’re as dry as a bone, you still burned almost 340 calories.

Related: Jessica Alba’s Strong and Healthy Instagrams Will Inspire You to Adopt an “I Can Do It” Attitude

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Source: Jessica Alba Sweats Just as Much as We Do! : PopSugar